Tuesday 19 December 2017

Events Calendar

December 2017: Shoso’s Ikebana display at Lesley Kehoe Galleries. http://www.kehoe.com.au

26 December 2017 to 3 January 2018: Shoso’s Ikebana display at Koko, Crown Melbourne.

14 February 2018: A new term of Japanese Aesthetics at RMIT starts. http://bit.ly/1IFmuyl

4 March 2018: Ikebana Workshop at Kazari. http://www.kazari.com.au/

17 March to 2 April 2018: Lorne Sculpture Biennale. Shoso was selected for the biennale.http://www.lornesculpture.com/index.php
At their conference Shoso will talk about "Environmental Art as Public Art: Beyond an Instrumentalist Perspective" http://www.lornesculpture.com/speakers.php

30 March 2018: Shoso will conduct an Ikebana demo as a featured presenter at the Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018, The International Academic Forum, Kobe, Japan. https://iafor.org

May 2018: The International Floral Art 2018/2019 will be published from Stiching Kunstboek. Shoso’s work will be included. http://www.stichtingkunstboek.com/en/book/detail/5043/international-floral-art-20162017

21 September to 6 November 2018: Biennale of Australian Art. Shoso was selected for the biennale. http://www.boaa.net.au
