Thursday 30 June 2016

New Publication: Flowers in Contemporary Art

Shoso Shimbo's new article was published.
Shimbo, Shoso (2015). Flowers in Contemporary Art: From an Ikebana Perspective, International Journal of Ikebana Studies, 3, 11-19.

This essay considers similarities and differences between contemporary art using flowers as medium, and Ikebana. It investigates strategies used by contemporary artists dealing with flowers, and comments on the dearth of discourse on flowers in Ikebana. This essay focuses on works by three contemporary artists, Andy Goldsworthy, Sarah Sze and Anya Gallaccio. Flowers in their works are analysed in three ways: as a medium, in intrinsic context and in extrinsic context. While in some aspects contemporary artists who use flowers in their work demonstrate a proximity to Ikebana  for instance emphasising their ephemeral nature  contemporary artists use flowers as signifiers within intrinsic and extrinsic contexts too, perhaps framing flowers as nonsignificant everyday objects, or references to the feminine in art history.

How to obtain a copy of International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS)
IJIS is currently available only in hard copy. It costs 1000 Yen plus postage. (IJIS will be available online sometime soon).  
