Tuesday 15 March 2016

Wye River Project (1)

"I have selected Shoso Shimbo to lead this project, creating sculptural forms over four weekends of the Biennale on the beach in Wye. Out of destruction will come beauty and new life. I encourage all to return to the area to see the project evolve through to completion on April 3rd. " 
Julie Collins, Curator, Lorne Sculpture Biennale. 

When: 12 March to 3 April 2016 
Where: Wye River, Victoria, Australia

I walked through the damaged area, which has been restricted due to the risk of asbestos in the first week. Please visit my Facebook page for more images. https://www.facebook.com/ikebanaaustralia
It is a physically demanding project, but I hope my work will contribute to the healing process for the community.
