Thursday 6 November 2014

Ikebana Today 29

We have been trying to find out the true meaning of the term, Ikebana. Ikebana literally means to make flowers alive. Sounds simple. But what does that really mean?

Making flowers alive could have two different meanings depending on whether it is alive or not before making arrangements. If the flower is dead, making it alive means to bring back to life. If the flower is alive, making it alive means to maintain its life. 

When someone first used the term, Ikebana, stressing that he is not simply making flowers upright like tatehana but making them alive, did he regard the flowers as alive or dead? It seems to be a small difference, but we often find something important by paying attention to such a small differences.  

Thinking about this may leaed us to much more profound issues about Japanese view on nature and art.

I would like to show you another commercial work of mine this month. This is an arrangement for a home party. Light colors of blue and yellow are working so well in this work. I used this image for free calendars 2015. Please download them from my website. 

If you are looking for a great Christmas gift for someone special, please consider our Ikebana lesson vouchers, which is also available from our website.