Sunday 19 August 2012

Message for Advanced Students

Several students in Shoso Shimbo's class are about to start our professional teaching diploma course after completing the Sogetsu certificate courses. The diploma course designed by Shoso is a demanding course that requires much more preparation, practice and your own research. 

Prior to commencing the course, just consider whether you are willing to live the rest of your life with flowers. Becoming a qualified Ikebana teacher is a lifetime commitment, although you may have to take a break sometimes in your life. It is a wonderful journey. MIllions of Japanese people bear witness to the fact that Ikebana is the best meditation to enhance their life. 

However, if you are not sure about the significance of flowers in your life, you may consider taking a break and enjoy flowers in your own way. You may also continue to study Ikebana without taking on the teaching diploma course. In considering the issues of Ikebana today this blog would be helpful.